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Re: I need a better sounding sampler than a Boomerang!

> >The V2 upgrade is 24KHz with 16 bit samples. It just sounds like 32KHz.
> >
> >--
> >Mike Nelson
> wow, Mike... how did you do that? Are you joking?
> What is the frequency response?

    I'm not joking; I'm bragging.  :)  Actually the Nyquist theorem rules
all; I just think the Rang sounds great. But what else would I say. Nyquist
says that the maximum frequency that can be captured (represented) is less
than half the sampling rate.

Mike Nelson

Boomerang Musical Products       800-530-4699
PO Box 541595                    214-340-6913, Outside USA
Dallas, TX  75354-1595           214-343-1038, Fax

http://www.boomerangmusic.com    mnelson@dmans.com

"Some products make you sound better;
 the Boomerang Phrase Sampler makes you play better."