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Re: RDS 8000 vs. RDS 7.6 (more questions)

On or around 08:47 AM 10/7/00 -0700, Pratt Winkle said:

>    a. The 7.6 has a hum that comes from the unit (not
>through the amp but actually inside the unit)
>    b. The 8000 is quiet.

Some of the RDS units, regardless of nomenclature, do hum a bit in the
rack.  It's never been enough to make me sit up and take notice,
particularly in a case.
>    a. The 7.6 sends a small but noticeable hiss to
>the amp.
>    b. The 8000 is quiet.

Probably an issue of input/output levels.

>    a. Some button presses on the 7.6 sends a small
>pop or thud to the amp.
>    b. I don't think the 8000 does this.

No problems there on the 7.6s I've used.

>    a. Footswitches that work on the 8000 don't work
>the same on the 7.6; ie. One foot press on the 8000
>will make it hold, while a foot press on the 7.6 only
>holds as long as you are pressing down. (I'm sure this
>probably just deals with the polarity of the trigger
>or something fancy that I don't understand, a
>difference none the less)  

It's probably a difference in switching type, rather than a difference.
With the wrong tools, you'll get undesirable results.

> Finally: Are your units this different? I was really
>hoping for the quality of the 8000. Do you think my
>7.6 could be worn out yet still working, or did they
>just perfect the idea on the 8000? The guy sold it to
>me in "perfect working order" and right now I don't

I suspect part of it may be a ground issue, from what you're describing in
the popping on buttons and the hum of the transformer.

the Reverend Rob      ICQ: 1280871  
http://www.realm-of-shade.com .`. .`. .`. .`. http://www.qblh.com
"I prefer not to kill people, but I'd like to destroy as much
 property as possible." - Grace Slick, from the Airplane FBI file
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