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Re: nobels mf-2 foot controller

>    has anyone ever tried the nobels mf-2 fc  ? it seems to be an
>economical choice as a foot  controller is it usable to control EDPs ?  
>thanks, Luca

I just read the manual for it available on their site:


it appears to be one of the simplistic program-change-only type of pedals.
you can't send midi notes with it, or do much with continuous controllers
even. so no, it can't control the EDP.

it still amazes me that these companies go to all the trouble to design and
manufacture a midi footpedal controller and don't bother to implement 95%
of the available midi commands. For them to do the additional programming
would be simple. I once asked the owner of a particular well-known midi
pedal manufacturer why he did that, and he indicated that his pedal was for
guitar players who are too stupid to understand anything more complicated
than program change messages. Maybe that's true for the average
stratocastor-and-marshall guy, but I suspect the ones playing around with
midi are bright enough to figure out what a note-on message does.
especially now when it is so common for samplers and synths to be standard
gear in the average band.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com