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Re: OT Noises through pickups (rather gongs...)

Hi Lance,

That's certainly true about the way a screened 4-color process photo works,
(although with dot gain the inks ARE often physically mixing to make new
colors and/or mud other than CMYK), but we're talking about sounds that are
completely _outside_ the frequency range of the instruments being used. For
example, when you strike two notes at the same fret on a guitar's B and
high E strings, then bend the B up, there's a low sound well below the
notes being played that drops down in harmonic relation to the bend. [I
have a Tele on which this 'gnnaaooomph' (sp?) is particularly pronounced.
My Steinberger sort of does it too, but not as clearly, it's almost
unnoticable on my Strats and _completely_ inaudible on my 335, so I'd
suspect it has to do with the specific overtones that define a particular
instrument's timbre, and also on the response characteristics of your
amp/speaker(s).] The colors in a process photo are all within a limited
frequency range determined by the inks and paper; as you point out, we see
colors other than CMY and K in the photo, but NOT those outside of that
gamut, like ultraviolet or infrared, which would be more akin (not exactly,
either, but it's an analogy after all) to the psychoacoustic effect we're
trying to describe. Maybe a closer optical analogy would be the technique
commonly used in Op Art where completely opposite colors are juxtaposed in
patterns; magenta right next to green, saturated red next to cyan, black
next to white, for example. Our visual sensory system gets overloaded by
the contrast and it causes all kinds of neat effects. The colors pulsate,
have halos of hues that aren't even present, give the illusion of movement,
etc. all without psychedelic assistance.

To drag it a bit back ON-topic, one way in which this is relevant to
looping is in the way this phenonenon (interaction/disruption of harmonic
content) varies depending on where the combination is actually happening.
When I use a smaller looping rig in which my straight, looped and otherwise
delayed signals are combined into one signal to come out of one
amp/speaker, it's a very different sound than when using a larger rig where
several discrete signals are amplified separately and come out of different
speakers placed in different parts of the room and the combinations occur
in the air acoustically. Undoubtably much of it can be attributed to
harmonic distortion (since the smaller setup usually ends up getting pushed
a lot harder!), but there is a real difference in timbre going on there.
Cool stuff!


At 10:56 AM 10/14/00 -0700, you wrote:
>not to drag this even further off-topic, but there does seem to be some
>corollary to the world of optical illusions as well; if we see small dots 
>cyan, magenta, yellow and black in certain combinations, other colors 
>to us, even though they do not "physically" exist. it's not exactly the 
>as hearing overtones of a fundamental which is not present, but similar, i