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Re: G.M.Koenig and his Loops


my comments need a correction.Eventhough they used such tapelooping
in the electronic studio,they used it only as a production tool to 
shorten the time of processing a new electronic sound.This Sound-
engineering at this times were really timeburning !

>From his -short comments to the loop- it can be said,that he traced
it only as a production tool,but not as unique or special music
expression.He and all the others at this Studio followed other ideas
and visions of that time.
Maybe Koenig did use the technic earlier as TR,but I also think,it was
also usual in other electronic studios of that time.
A way to work more economic with the Soundproduction,and effective
usage of the exisiting gear.

The musical expression of the Looping came later,and so I guess that 
TR still can be fixed for it.


"Bailey, Jim" schrieb:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Pohon-Kelapa@t-online.de [mailto:Pohon-Kelapa@t-online.de]
> > Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 8:30 AM
> >
> > found an interesting interview with G.M.Koenig.In this interview he
> > explains a lot of his electronic work in his busy
> > times(1953-1959) at the
> > electronic studio Cologne of the WDR Radio/TV-station.
> This is indeed interesting. Do you have the source for this? If it's 
> it predates the use of this technique by Terry Riley, et al. at the San
> Francisco Tape Music Centre, widely credited as the origin of 
>tape-delay. As
> one who still uses this method, I'm intrigued.
> Jim Bailey