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Re: OT guitar geek-talk (was EDP's sighted/not heard)

stanitarium@earthlink.net wrote:

> well, as mermenroadiesupremo i pretty much know what and how jim thomas 
> his thing...he uses the edp almost everyshow(not sure about that nite). 
> uses it for interludes between tunes, or intros to certain songs but i 
> think it is ever part of the song itself-as far as turning it
> on/off/overdub, he uses (2) boss'fs-5u' on/off swithes right there next 
> his 'ground control units'-and for that beautiful,beefy,pristine tone his
> guitar signal is going straight to fender amp pre-amp(s) before going to
> analog/digital/mixer stuff-in our opinion the*only* way to get signal
> strengh to efx,etc...seeya,stanner
> ----------


the horse hath spoken :-)

thanks for the response, stanner. come to think of it, the only way he 
could be
getting such a juicy tone is straight into the jacks. are his amps modded 
all (like, probably...)?

again, apologies to those not interested in things guitaristic...

lance g.