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re: G.M.Koenig and his Loops

Tom Ritchford wrote,
> Now, <http://www.loopers-delight.com/history/Loophist.html>
> says:
> >The two-machine tape delay and feedback system (which later evolved
> >into Frippertronics and digital loop delays) was apparently
> >developed by members of the San Francisco Tape Music Center. It is
> >not clear who had the original idea, but it appears that it was Terry
> >Riley.

I wrote that in the little history article, but I'm not quite sure now. I 
had the chance to talk to Pauline Oliveros a year ago, and she said that 
some (anonymous) sound engineer had done the original setup for (Tape 
Center directors) Oliveros and Ramon Sender once. Riley apparently just 
took it up from them later.

=       michael peters
=       electronic music & strange attractors
=       http://www.mpeters.de/mpeweb