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Re: OT:Singing bowl measurements


the sometimes stubborn german analysis is sometimes for good.
Like Lindsay I have not the time to get deeper in this topic.
This irrational harmonic row was listed up by my memory,so it is
not valid or comparable to other bells.Sorry...

My location is near to a bell manufacture/factory.If I have time,
I will ask them for more details.

The Bell example was only thought as a maybe comparable sound to the
bowl ! 


lindsay@pavestone.com schrieb:
> >Best traces in a bell sound.  This bell sound
> >has usually a harmonic spectrum of :
> >1:1,1:2,2:3,3:4,4:5,5 and so on
> Bells were what I was working on, theoretically, in my limited and 
>purely a
> priori analysis of this problem.  Hell, I have a degree in business, so
> what do I know?
> However, I'm intensely curious and my research led me to this page:
> http://www.mmk.ei.tum.de/persons/ter.html
> by a German physicist.  His discussions on bell "strike-tones" (and I was
> glad, Bret, that you and your son had decided to measure the strike 
> too) are interesting, as well as the "acoustic bass effect."  This page 
> many, many goodies.
> I have to make clear, though, because it's popped up occasionally, that I
> do NOT own a bowl.  The whole 20" thing was only an example.
> But in the face of empiricism, I'll have to trust Bret's ears when he
> states that the measured fundamental was indeed the lowest component he 
> hearing.  I'll continue to do some follow-up, but there are now some
> obviously more qualified persons involved in this skirmish.
> So, the Repeater.  What's up with that?