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Re: looping in Dallas

That's right, the 'Rang is made just over in Arlington, isn't it?
And who, btw, did you order your Repeater from?  Locally?  Catalog?
Internet?  What price, if you don't mind?

I'll be looking for info on 99 and Ohm.  Are you performing in either?

                    "Mike McGary"                                          
                    <mcgary@advis        To:     
                    oft.com>             cc:                               
                                         Subject:     looping in Dallas    
                    10:30 AM                                               
                    respond to                                             

> Has anyone heard rumor of a looping community in Dallas?

There is a sizeable looping community in Dallas.  The Boomerang is
even made here.  99 Names of God is a local band that does
significant looping (boomerang and an EDP).  Bands like
Ohm use looped clarinet.  I don't know of any "let's get together
and loop" kinda events....many of us are too busy with current
musical projects to get involved in new ones.

           Mike McGary (EDP and a Repeater on order)