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Re: OT: Bugz communicating vibrationally-

An accelerometer, measures acceleration, that is, changes in velocity.

There are several types of solid state devices that do this. They can use 
micormachining techniques or piezo electric effects, but in the end they 
output a voltatge that is proportional to acceleration.

Brother K

bienappraisers@mindspring.com on 10/23/2000 02:12:27 PM
Please respond to Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com@SMTP 
To:     Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com@SMTP
Subject:        OT: Bugz communicating vibrationally-

I find this really cool and based on recent vibrational discussions on 
this list as of late I think some of you will find it kewl too-


Listen to "The Secret World Of Insects"


PS- What is an accelerometer and what does it do exactly?
