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Re: OT: software based Loopers

spacemodule@hotmail.com writes:
>I was just wondering, didn't you use Pro Tools in the past?  Why the 
>to Logic?
i didn't switch..... i've been using Logic since it was ported to the Mac; 
previously, i did use ProTools *hardware*, but swapped it out for MOTU2408 
when Digi's 'upgrade-path' proved financially untenable, for me.....

>Considering all of the software you use and the hardware looping
>devices that you still prefer to use, what are the software loopers 
>that still makes hardware preferable?
speedy user-interfaces (w/'pre-existing' physical controls) resulting inna 
more 'instant' kinda gratification, realistic levels of robustness & 
stability -(i don't think that my pcm42 has ever *crashed*, & the EDP is 
rock-solid; both have 100's of 1000's of 'miles' on them, ya dig)- lack of 
latency, etc..... like that, like that.....

>Not enough support of external 
no, generally, it seems that ye can suss midi-controls-to-parameters in 
'software'-machines, mit some digging & tweaking, methinks.....

>p.s. dt - OAH and Remiksis have been in heavy rotation on my machine for
>the past 2 weeks.  Having a hard time deciding which I like better,
cool, cool.....

>also been listening to that Amon Tobin alot.  Have to look up the Ryuichi 
(spelled SakamOto, though, fer yer web-searching moments.....)
but, uh: i posted that stuff to the *other* list, right?
dt / SPLaTTeRsnail

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