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Re: Echoplex Operating Questions

At 3:33 PM -0700 10/24/00, Joe Osborne wrote:

>1) How do I go about using it as a delay. And how do I set the delay time?

Set the parameter called Loop/Delay to Delay.

set delay time by tapping the record button, exactly as you do in loop 

In Delay mode, all input audio always goes into the delay as delays
normally work. The "overdub" button actually becomes the traditional "hold"
button. The pedal input on the back then controls the input volume to the
delay line, so you can easily open and close it with your foot. (the
feedback knob on the front continues to be feedback.)  Everything else in
delay works the same as it does in loop mode. The differences between the
two are subtle, but some people are more used to the delay type of
interaction and prefer that.

>2) How do I change the midi channel that the unit sends and responds to?

In the parameter row called "MIDI", there is a parameter button called
"Channel". Set it to whichever channel you want.

>3) What is quantize and how is it turned on and off?

Quantize is turned on and off with the parameter called "Quantize."  The
only options you have are "on" or "off".

Quantize causes any function you do to wait for the next cycle point before
it starts. This is very useful for rhythmic precision, especially when you
don't want to bother with button tapping precision. It often makes life
very easy! For example, you want to do a multiply, but you want it to start
exactly at the loop start. With quantize on, you can tap multiply someplace
in the middle of the loop, and the echoplex will wait until the loop start
to begin the multiply.

>4) Why was this device made with only one input/output? Wanting to use 
>device in a stereo guitar rig requires using two units. I find this
>surprising given the fact that just about all other high quality equipment
>has two inputs/outputs. Including the Lexicon Jam Man.

We designed it with mono ins and outs because it is a mono device, and in
those days stereo guitar setups were quite rare. Adding seemingly pointless
features and cost was not a goal of the project.  We did design it such
that two units could be combined together as a true stereo pair, which many
people do.

The JamMan in fact is mono also, yet the presence of stereo jacks on the
back has misled people for years into believing it was a stereo device. In
fact it sums the two channels together for the loop. I've always thought
that was a bit dishonest since they never particularly went out of their
way to tell anybody that.

>5) Does anybody have an Musician's translation of this manual instead of 
>one that it seems only an electrical engineer can figure out?
>I have used the Lexicon Jam Man for years now, and while I know the 
>is a much more sophisticated unit, it seems that a more "Musician 
>manual would have been nice. I've read, tapped, and read some more. Yet it
>seems that the only functions I've mastered is: Recording, overdubbing,
>Muting, Reverse, and of course Stop.
>Thanks in advance for any help with the above questions.

the echoplex is a musical instrument. It is intuitive enough to figure the
basics immediately and enjoy yourself with it. But you won't master it in 3
weeks any more than you will master any other instrument in 3 weeks. I've
generally found over the years that people who whine about the manual are
really not looking for a manual at all. They want a teacher, and no manual
can be that. That is a reason why this list exists, hopefully here you can
find people to teach you.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com