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RE: creative mixing

Hi Luca-
I'm using a Roland M-480R rackmount mixer.  It has 24 stereo ins and 6 aux sends, plus a SUB OUT (for sending to the EDP), and a separate CUE OUT (send this to the other looper), so it's kind-of like a 48X8 mixer.  I return the FX to channels (not the returns) so that they can be re-routed.  So if I want to do what you are talking about, I send the sound to the effect's AUX SEND and to the SUB OUT, send the effect to the SUB OUT, and send the EDP to the effect's AUX send.  The AUX SENDs are mono; only the SUB and CUE outs are stereo.  The problems with this setup are that it's only a 6-space mixer, so things are pretty tight, and also the channels on the board don't have EQ.  But I can keep everything patched up.
I was using my O1V for a while, and it worked excellent, but for this application the Roland really helps because I am able to see what's going where at a glance.
BTW, I have a Roland M-240R (same as the M-480R but with mono inputs instead of stereo) and a Mackie LM3204 (16 stereo channels by 4) rack mixers for sale if anyone is looking for this type of thing.

 -----Original Message-----
From: Luca [mailto:lucafeed@tin.it]
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 3:25 AM
To: Loop
Subject: creative mixing

Is there anyone who's using a mixing setup that allows to loop an effected sound and re-process this loop in to the same processor the original sound has been treated ?
I mean a live and real time setup, so physical plug/unplugs or not allowed and you have to use a peronal mixer: one of those can be rackmounted, not a studio board.
Try to think it with 3 effect processor with stereo inputs/outputs and 2 loopers: one with mono and one with stereo input/outputs.