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Re: OT: Klein wood, chambers

>re: the TT, I may have to reconsider my opinion about that (more is always
why not test-drive a TT, for yerself, first?
dt / SPLaTTeRgeek

In stores & online (artist-shop, amazon, tower, cdnow, bn, etc)
SPLaTTeRCeLL:::OAH (full-length CD)

(CD / vinyl; 65 minute EP--- remixes by Charlie Clouser (NiN), Ryuichi 
Sakamoto, Dan the Automator, Carter Burwell, Tim 
Yoshihiro Hanno, Fernando Aponte, & Gareth Williams..... & 1 add'l 
SPLaTTeRCeLL track)

On CeLLDiviSioN/75Ark: http://www.75ark.com

SPLaTTeRCeLL: http://www.gaalore.com/davidtorn.nsf/Pages/soah
Solid States: http://www.gaalore.com/davidtorn.nsf
List site: http://www.egroups.com/group/davidtorn