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Re: OT: Klein wood, chambers

I've already taken the plunge and ordered my klein, it's really just the
transtrem issue that I'm in two or three minds about, although I have kind
of decided to go with the S trem for now.
Since I'm in the UK, shipping a demo is asking a bit much of Lorenzo.

Actually the thread started when someone else asked about Kleins, I'm
happily twiddling my thumbs until mine shows up.

Martin Shellard 

> Martin:
> If you were thinking of buying a Klein (which is where this thread 
> you might call Lorenzo at Klein and ask if he can send you one of his 
> models.  Three years ago, he sent me one: it was blue, and had the old
> composite neck rather than the current rosewood, but it did have a TT, 
>and it
> was fun to play... this required my making a deposit, but, hey, who would
> send a nice guitar like that to someone without one?
> I even took it out on a gig on the night of its arrival here... it drew 
> funny looks...
> Once I played it, I was hooked... and the guitar you actually can buy is 
> superior to the demo...
> kevin