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RE: stereo...

Well, that's ok for previously stored stuff, but what if you want to 
inject/replace a second or two of feedback or silence in a real-time loop? 
Not possible... Damon has sent me some wish list from beta testers 
concerning upcoming s/w upgrades, but insert is about two upgrades away 
probably. Sounds like a great box anyway, but facts are facts... NO 
INSERT... one of my favorite functions for creating faux granulated types 
of loops.


>>> "Douglas Bonneville" <doug@boncommunications.com> 01/09/01 11:04AM >>>
Isn't the lack of "insert" on the Repeater easily overcome by the fact that
it can switch to any loop, new or stored, at any time - if you program your
Ground Control or RP-1 or whatever midi floor-controller?


> On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Mike Biffle wrote:
> > It can't to INSERT like the EDP...
> >