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busk; busked; will busk, will have busked

to "busk"-
it's a old english-englishism.
buskers are street performers, who in a one-person presentation includ (but are not limited to):  comedy, song, spoons-playing, etc. - the the original "one-man-bands", and could be seen entertaining people who were "queued up" for the bus. (see "queue": to wait in an orderly, single-file line for a red double-decker in a constant drizzle.)

these days, "to busk" means you stand out of the wet in a tube tunnel (a subway station underpass) and sing "smells like teen spirit" while(st) flailing away on a battered harmony 6 string, also a time-honored tradition, now that i think about it...

while a "one man band" now requires at minimum an edp, boomerang and two headrushes; a gorilla amp and a buttload of stomp boxes.

plus ca change, baby...


 - just what the world needs... another frikkin url -