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Re: no-frills loopers? Boomerang competition?

>>> antonio_loro@yahoo.ca 01/11/01 05:51PM >>>
> The Boomerang looks like the best tool, but a couple of complaints I've 
>seen in reviews are of its sound quality and of the fact that as you 
>overdub, the previous layers begin to fade out, limiting how many layers 
>you can stack. So far I've been unsuccessful in finding the answer to
my question, so I ask you:

Hi Antonio... here's the boilerplate from Mike Nelson, Mr. Boomerang 
regarding the latest units shipping with the s/w upgrade. It solves both 
those problems. IMO The Boomerang is the KING of floor based loopers and 
has now improved to a degree that it's competitive in terms of fidelity 
AND functionality with JamMan, EDP and Repeater (given that all of these 
units provide a certain uniqueness and user i/f... the Boomerang 
definitely belongs in this group).

Best regards,
-Miko Biffle


Mike Nelson writes....

"So, what do I get for my money?" you ask.  Good question.  Here's what's 
in store.

*   Version 2.0 has 2 independent loops; this is like having 2 original 
Rangs side by side. There are a couple of modes for transitioning between 
the loops. One mode, called AB1, smoothly transitions to loop B, plays it 
once, then goes back to playing loop A, all with one button press.

*   A higher sample rate has been added; original max was 16KHz, new max 
rate is 24KHz. While this drops the sample time to 1 minute 27 seconds 
(with 4Mbytes of memory), the Rang now captures a lot more highs and 
sounds a lot crisper.

*   The STACK button can be programmed to be either latching or momentary.

*   You can go directly from recording to stacking. Press RECORD to start 
recording, then press STACK to conclude recording, start playback and 
enter stack mode.

*   There are 7 selectable decay rates. On the original the decay rate was 
fixed at about 2.3dB. The new rates are as follows: 1 is no decay, 2 is 
the original rate (about 20-25 repeats), 3-6 are progressively quicker 
decays and are great when using the Rang as a pure delay, and 7 is 
slapback (1 full volume repeat). The new decay rates & latching STACK
button make the Rang a great sounding digital delay with tap tempo. The 
foot roller becomes the delay level when used like this.  Each loop, A and 
B, has its own decay rate.

*   The RECORD button can be programmed to behave as it does now or be 
disabled during playback. Some folks didn't want to worry about hitting it 
while adjusting the foot roller.

*   The half speed concept has been replaced by slow speed, and you have 
your choice of five. All are musically related to "normal" speed. The 
choices are: down a 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th or octave. Playback tempo is slowed 
similarly to the current software.

*   This one is small, but an improvement. Originally, if you pressed 
ONCE, the next press of PLAY(STOP) would stop the loop. Now you can 
transition between "continuous" play and play once mode. Confusing? Here's 
what you can do that you couldn't before. Start an existing loop with 
several stutters or re-starts and then smoothly transition into playing 
the loop repeatedly.

*   There are improvements on clicks that occasionally occur at loop 
boundaries, particularly when using the Rang in continuous reverse mode 
(live reverse lead playing).

*   And finally, we extended the button behavior so that it is more 
consistent. For example, in the original, if you were stacking, the 
REVERSE button didn't do anything. Now you can be stacking additional 
parts and freely reverse direction or go into play once mode.

All the new features are ADDITIONS. That is, no original features, even 
the lower sampling rates, have been omitted or replaced. The ONCE button 
shares duty as the loop A/B button. Either the REVERSE or STACK button is 
held down to enter one of the two program modes.


Mike Nelson

Boomerang Musical Products       800-530-4699
PO Box 541595                            214-340-6913, Outside USA
Dallas, TX  75354-1595                214-343-1038, Fax

http://www.boomerangmusic.com    mnelson@dmans.com 

"Some products make you sound better;
 the Boomerang Phrase Sampler makes you play better."