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Re: DL4 before or after POD?

No, go ahead and put it after the POD.  I do all the time, and prefer the
flexability it gives me (in changing tones, FX, etc. and "printing" them to
the loop).  I've also placed it in a chanel insert, effects send, aux
out... anywhere I can think of stuffing it.  Be careful with your levels,
however: the DL4 will clip (or at least mine does), and it doesn't sound


                    "Ted J.                                                
                    Cabal"               To:     
                    <tcabal@home.        cc:                               
                    com>                 Subject:     DL4 before or after 
                    12:33 PM                                               
                    respond to                                             

I'm new to the list, and I've tried to find the answer here and cannot.
interested in buying a DL4 if I can play run my stereo guitar (Parker Fly)
through my POD *before* the DL4 (then both outputs to two PA channels).
That way, I can keep the summed mono output when looping going straight to
the PA rather than through the POD.  Can I do this, or will I lose features
of the DL4 or POD by utilizing this order?  Thanks for any help!
Ted Cabal