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Re: Responding to "gig spam"

Hi Everyone,

MHO - Just be honest.  If you hate it, fine.  Love it, fine.  It's all an
opinion ... just an opinion.

Remember, Capitol Records didn't want to release The Beatles in the US
because they thought their music wouldn't sell to Americans.  Elvis had a
Very hard time getting played on "white" stations - sounded too "black."
Hendrix?  I heard bands covering Purple Haze long before Hendrix was being
played on "underground radio."

It's just an opinion.  Deal with it.


At 01:06 PM 1/15/01 -0600, you wrote:
>On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, rich wrote:
>> This is an interesting thread, i think, in that we are collectively 
>> defining some boundaries.  How harsh should one be in critiquing a 
>> fellow Looper?  Should we be soft, because we might hurt their 
>> feelings?  Hurt their career?
>> Or should we be blatantly honest, since they did advertise here, and 
>> encouraged to come to the show and give our opinions?
>But why make derogatory and negative opinions public? It serves no useful
>purpose and it is divisive. You might not enjoy a particular gig or album
>but don't rant about how it "sucks" or is "worthless"..I can't see any
>good out of language like that. Just say you didn't enjoy it and move
>travis salisbury