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gig shmig

In a message dated 01/15/2001 5:33:37 PM Central Standard Time,
artists@hazardfactor.com writes:

i don't think music can only be good in a certain context-
to me, it is good or it isn't, no matter what context it is in.

If it SOUNDS good, it IS good.

-- Louis Armstrong

Some of you guys should mebbe watch the Ken Burns JAZZ film on PBS, so you
can see that ANYTHING musical risks audience loathing.  Wait until we get to
Ornette and his plastic saxophone.

Otherwise, we have DELETE keys, and when a movie sucks, we can always walk
out, or stop the tape, or whatever.  (You want your money back?  I don't
charge for playing.  I charge to haul my equipment.)  Empower yourself, and
don't be a victim.  Then acquire grace enough to be kind, even when you don't
like something.  The function of criticism is not to slash tires, it's to
illuminate things with a different light.


(who, at his last gig, played for two hours for four people)*
*loop content galore