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Re: experience loop & Macintosh?

At 12:51 AM -0500 1/20/01, Ppaulpadam@aol.com wrote:
>Does anyone out there have any info on ACID type programs available for 
>Groovemaker is no longer made ( although pc versions of it are going for
>29.00 on ebay ).

It's still being made, the company just has a different US 
distributor. Their website, while unfortunately done in Flash, has 
info about this: <http://www.ikmultimedia.com/>

Also see <http://www.groovemakerusa.com/> or <http://www.groovemaker.com/>

>Anyone know about Mixman for Mac??

It's shipping. It's pretty much the same as Mixman on the PC. 


The optimist sees a glass half full...     | Chris Muir
The pessimist sees a glass half empty...   | cbm@well.com
The realist sees a glass twice as big as it needs to be.