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Re: Any More Info on New BOSS Looping pedal

At 2:21 AM -0800 1/25/01, Sound Mind wrote:
>    Well, it seems it's going to be just a little more  expensive than the
>DL4, with a lot more possibilities (which doesn't mean I'm  giving up on
>my DL4, which I love).   I'm only curious where this 5 min memory is going
>to come from : is it internal, or will it be thru expensive memory cards,
>like  the SP 202? I contacted Roland yesterday, but there was noone  there
>who could tell me more, I'll try again tomorrow.   Jan

in what way did you think it had more possibilities than the dl4? To me the
boss unit seemed to have much less loop capability than the line6. From the
demo I saw, the user interface seemed kind of clunky and hard to use, and
the functions are pretty limited. $400 seems very high.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com