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Re: Sync (was Re: Any More Info on New BOSS Looping pedal)

The BOSS pedal probably gets a pass from me on this one (as does the DL-4)
since it doesn't have MIDI input. On the other hand, the GP-100 does raise
my ire in this regard.


At 11:19 AM -0800 1/26/01, Mark Sottilaro wrote:
>I totally agree.  I almost can't believe that a company like Roland would
>forget a very important feature like this one.  Also, NO FADE?  What the 
>are they thinking?  If anyone from Roland is on this list: Do what ever it
>takes to add midi synch and a fade to your unit, and you'll open it up to 
>more customers.  (like me!)
>Mark (a different one)
>Mark Hamburg wrote:
>> Pet Peeve: Devices with MIDI inputs and tap tempo that can't sync to 
>> clock.
>> All the pieces are there. Well, almost since you may need a way to 
>> how many clock ticks per tap but that could be handled in a variety of 
>> I've got too many devices that are subject to this limitation for it to 
>> at all amusing.
>> Mark