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Re: echoplex and jamman

At 9:39 PM -0800 1/27/01, Stephen Bradley and Kristen Chamberlin wrote:
>    I am considering "switching" from my Jam man to an  EDP.  But I have a
>couple of questions first, and was wondering if anyone  could help with
>answering these.  Here they are:   1.  Do EDP users find that the machine
>is  reliable?  Does the footpedal give people any problems?  How about the
>unit itself?  

The units currently being built by Gibson at their trace elliot facility in
the UK are quite well made. The spend a lot of effort to test them
thoroughly and use the best components. There have also been design updates
to improve reliability over older units.

>2.  Does it make a difference in terms of  reliability
>whether I purchase an older model (pre Loop III v5.0 upgrade) or a  newer
>model with the upgrade pre-installed?  

The LoopIIIv5.0 software fixed a lot of bugs from the old 3.2 software. So
it is definitely more reliable in that way. (info about it is on the
looper's delight site.)  It is easy to upgrade if you need to. The
LoopIIIv5.0 software costs $45 to buy if you are upgrading. (doesn't cost
you anything if you are buying a new echoplex.....)  The hardware units
from the days when the old 3.2 software shipped were generally pretty well
made, but they ran very hot. That would tend to be a reliability issue. The
new units have a different power supply that runs cool, which is much
better in my opinion. It is possible to modify an old one with the new
supply if you want to go to the trouble. I would just buy a new one though,
since the price of a new one doesn't seem to be much different from what
people want to sell used ones for.

>3.  If I purchase an older one,
>how easy and  problem-free is it to install the upgrade?  And how do I
>install it, or do  I have to have it done by Oberheim?  Is the upgrade
>worth it?  

you buy the upgrade from Aurisis Research (upgrade@aurisis.com) for $45. It
comes as two chips which you have to install yourself in the unit. You just
open the unit, pull out the two existing eprom chips from their sockets,
and replace them with the new ones. It is pretty easy and should only take
a few minutes and a screwdriver to do.

>4.  In terms of comparing reliability of the  unit (i.e.
>breakage / malfunction issues) does anyone have a basis for comparing  the
>Jamman with the EDP?  

I don't.

>5.  I am aware that performance-wise, the EDP
>appears to have more options than the Jam man.  If that's the case then
>why  do "tried and true" Jam man users stick with the Jam man? 

I'm not aware that they do, since I know a lot of people who have switched
from Jammans to Echoplex. But certainly many people have something that
works for them and they are comfortable with it, so they stick with it.

>   Oh
>yeah, one more.......if faced with the choice of  a brand new EDP with
>basic memory and Loop III installed, or an older one in  mint condition
>with full memory and no Loop III, for a difference of 200-300  dollars, is
>the extra money for the new one and then the additional cost of  memory
>"worth it" in terms of what you get with the new unit (i.e. technology /
>development-wise)?     Thanks a lot   Stephen B. chambrad@valinet.com    

New units come with the full memory installed now, so you do not need to do
any memory upgrades if you buy it new. I would be very surprised if the
difference in used and new units is really that much right now. Either used
prices have dropped way down or the quotes you have gotten for new units
are very high. Check with Alto Music, they usually have a good price. My
guess is you will find that a new unit is a better deal right now.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com