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Re: Line 6 DL4

I don't have my DL-4 in front of me but I'll try and remember the details.

1)  PLAY/STOP is a separate control that only comtrols playback, the RECORD
/OVERDUB will toggle, if you are in O/D and hit the record switch it drops
out of O/D without affecting playback.

2)  To re-enter O/D hit the record switch while the loop is running.

3)  When in play, hitting record puts the unit into O/D mode.

4)  You can start a new loop by hitting record when the loop is not playing
or selecting another model and reselecting loop.

Once you get your DL-4 I'm sure it will become clear, it is about as easy 
a looper can get  to use and very musical too.
Don't forget you can set the unit to 1/2 speed before you record too and
reverse for O/D's. It's a great box.

Martin Shellard 

> Good Morning, Campers!
> Today, I'm reading about the Line 6 DL4 Modeling Delay.
> 1) How do you exit OVERDUB mode and still have the loop playing?  
> to the manual, if you press PLAY/STOP while in OVERDUB, you enter STOP 
> 2) Then how do you re-enter OVERDUB mode once you're out of it?
> 3) If you're not recording, what happens when you press RECORD/OVERDUB?  
> manual says that if the DL4 is stopped, pressing RECORD starts a new
> recording; and if you're recording, pressing RECORD starts overdubbing.  
> what happens if you're in PLAY, PLAYONCE, or OVERDUB mode?
> 4) It seems that the only way to start a new loop is to STOP the DL4, 
> press RECORD.  Is this correct?