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Re: good intentions [LAST time- unless provoked]

>I think we have to avoid the temptation to feel compelled to define 
>*Music*-- ... I’m always happy to define- but I don’t want to 
>deconstruct, and separate a thing into elements, just to say, *Aha, 
>there is nothing here!*
>...One couldn’t *plan* to have bad intentions, by that 
>definition—because the planning is what shifts it to a good 
>intention; or: one can’t *plan* not to use his plan.

very good. Thank you for this lesson!

>I wouldn’t say that Dennis’s wind-chimes aren’t music to him. My 
>children’s laughter is music to me. But I do not forget that those 
>are metaphors. It's poetic comparison. It's NOT composing music with 
>our ears and brain.

the only point I dont quite agree, as pointed out in the other mail.

Maybe selection can also cause music: someone that samples a certain 
noise and loops it for example puts an intention into the music that 
was not there when the sound happened. Pointing at the sound turns it 
to music. Maybe thats similar to becoming aware of the whind-chimes 
and "interact" as a listener.

>One really has to choose which he thinks came first; the song or the 
>creating of the song. Something must come first. It’s just like 
>consciousness and existence.

brilliant! Thank you!

          ---> http://Matthias.Grob.org