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9 disks


I think we all have a little too much time, what with talk about what is 
music? (anything a human being defines as music, unless that definition is 
a self serving attempt to prove one's self to be "deep") music as a 
pallette of colors (there's no dark side of the moon, really.  It's all 
dark) and whether or not Winston Marsellis has anything useful to say 
about jazz (yes, but not hours worth, or even minutes (I liked his analogy 
of Jazz being like that special hat you get to set yourself apart, 
though))  So, in an effort to get to know where we're all coming from with 
this here music stuff, I'd like to encourage everyone to follow up the 
nine disks thread.  I'll be sure to make fun of all of you mercilessly for 
your choices, and this will provide hours of wonderful time wasting.  
Here's mine:

Funkadelic - Amerika Eats its Young
The Creatures - Boomerang
The Verve - No Come Down

Operation Ivy - Operation Ivy
Monster Magnet - Tab . . . 25
Julian Cope - 20 Mothers

Von Lmo - Future Languages
Iggy Pop - The Idiot
Bongwater - Too Much Sleep

I'd then smuggle in Ween - The Pod using a secret compartment in my left 
shoe, with The Legendary Pink Dots - The Maria Dimension in my right one.  
Hopefully, I wouldn't get arrested by airport security for this 

     Go ahead, laugh.
