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Repeater feature set ... and EDP

The NAMM demo certainly is enticing  :)   I'm particularly intrigued by 
the time-stretching
(as I'm sure most of us are).  That and the on-the-fly pitch shifting I'm 
sure are going to
open a lot of doors.  I can't wait (but I will !!)

The one thing that seems a bit weak in the Repeater feature set is the 
implementation of
"Multiply."  I'm loving the free-form multiply that the EDP supports 
(although I think that
the interface for changing the number of cycles in a loop could be 
improved  :) - allowing
you to loop as many times as you want, locking in the number of repeats 
with a button
press.  I find this is a very natural way to build up a composition.  I 
get the impression
from the manual that Repeater is only going to support doubling, which I 
imagine I'll find
rather restrictive.   Well, it will give us something to push for in 
version 2.0  <g>
