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Re: 9 discs (Christy bands)

>Victors choice was:
>>Desert Island
>>Strange Meeting - Power Tools
>>OHM electronic music set
>I think you refer to the swiss band... I just wanted to inform that
>its guitarist Christy Doran tours with a very interesting band called
>NEW BAG and is into loops as well!

I think he actually means the OHM: Early Gurus of Electronic Music box set
(which also has nothing to do with the German band Guru Guru).

But, funny that Doran's name should come up here. I just found out
yesterday that I am probably running sound for him for a show in May, Doran
with Robert Dick on flutes and Steve Arguelles on drums, the ADD Trio. From
the stage plot, it appears that all the players are using some sort of live
processing, each requires stereo DI's as well as mics. I saw Doran a few
years ago, and he was doing some very sophisticated looping (for the time)
with a pair of Roland rack mount digital delays. I'm really looking forward
to this show!

Dave Trenkel : improv@peak.org
New & Improv Media
Now available: Admiral Twinkle Devil: Wabi Dub