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loop night in Anacortes, was Re: 9 disks

I might be able to come down to Berkley too.(I'm new to this list. see link for my loopaciousness)
I just got hired to do host an "open mic" in Anacortes WA. at The Brown Lantern on Thursdays from 9pm to 1am. If any one is in the area or willing to travel, please come. I am one of 2 perhaps 3 loopy musicians in the area(B. Cypher are ya out there?). I'd love to do an all loop night after this gets going. In the mean time my Jam Man will be priming the ears of folks.   
Michael Rothmeyer

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 10:00 AM
Subject: RE: 9 disks

Let us know when you do!  I'll be happy to drive up from Santa Cruz for
that. Having just jumped into it with my stick/bass/DL4 at Rick's last
show, I'm up for more.


On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, J. Miranda V. wrote:

> Hey, I'll vote for that.  I'd like to have one here in Berkeley.  I should
> look into that myself.
> Javier
> Berkeley, Calif.
>   | -----Original Message-----
>   | From: max valentino [mailto:ekstasis1@hotmail.com]
>   | Sent: Friday 02 February 2001 3:29 PM
>   | To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
>   | Subject: Re: 9 disks
>   |
>   |
>   | Hey....wouldn't it be cool if all the Looper's everywhere
>   | started throwing
>   | these little "Looping Festivals"?  Providing a higher profile
>   | and public
>   | view of this new artform we hold so dear.  Wouldn't that provide some
>   | validation for the use of loops as musical instruments...then
>   | we wouldn;'t
>   | be discussing the whole "is it live or is it memorex?" thing.
>   | Y'know, Rick Walker, (insert deity of choice)bless his heart
>   | and soul, has
>   | done the entire world of looping a great service with the
>   | Looping Festivals
>   | he has organized.....wouldn't it be cool to spread that across
>   | the land?
>   | Maybe we could all play at each others' parties!!
>   | Max Valentino