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Re: CFC Price for Repeaters

Stephen Bradley and Kristen Chamberlin (09:46 AM 02.04.2001) wrote:

 >These little CFC puppies are quite pricey.........over $600.00 for the 
 >one linked to Electrix's Repeater page on their web site.....
 >Here's the link:
 >Certainly boosts the "real cost" of the unit......

The prices from BC-Express are probably the most expensive I've seen for 
Compact Flash media. There are a number of folks selling CFC media, you'll 
want to shop around, just like you would for harddrives, RAM, etc.

Also, the price of media like this (Smartmedia, CFC, Memorystick, etc) is 
generally governed by public demand in a weird way. For example, it's 
possible that you could find 128meg CFC's for less than one-half the cost 
of 256meg devices just because the public hasn't (yet) seen the need for 
that much storage on that device model.

 >And I still haven't heard whether one can loop real time performance-style
 >off the expanded memory card, whether the loop size is constrained by the
 >internal memory...

Repeater can stream straight off of the Compact Flash Card. There is no 
need to first download from the card to internal memory.

 >... and how much the footpedal / controller would cost to work
 >the unit without hands..............

Which controller? The one that Damon had a sketch of on the site for a 
while? That was only a working-concept, not a real product.

Repeater will work with/from most any TRS (Tip Ring Sleeve) 3 button 
controller on the market today, or from an MIDI device that can send CC's. 
Prices of these devices vary widely... Figure anywhere from $60 on up...
