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RE: Repeater memory

>What do I have to do to define that I record to CFC (possible on stage)?
CFC memory space is noted with a "C" in front of the loop number. If there
is a CFC inserted on power up, the default location will be "C 1" (which
means location 1 on the CFC card). You can now record directly to that
location on the card. Internal locations are noted with a " ' ". 

So if I just bought my Repeater, and have not recorded anything into it,
loop browsing would go like this:
' 1 ____ (internal memory - loop location 1- blank) 
C 1 ____ (CFC memory - loop location 1 - blank)
I could then choose between these two possible locations via the encoder or

>Is there anything I cannot do if I record to the CFC card?

Repeater records and reads in real time straight to and from the CFC card.
However, different CFC card manufacturers have different write speeds so
there might be some limitations with certain cards. Things like time 
or pitch shift ranges could be bigger when a loop is in internal memory 
when on CFC. That said, some of the newer cards coming out look like they
will have little or no difference in speed with the internal memory. When
all is said and done we will provide more information on which cards are 

>Or: what do we need the internal memory for?

If you want to copy from one card to another, if you lose or break your
card, see above. 


Damon Langlois
Creative Director
Tel (250) 544-4091 Fax (250) 544-4100