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Re: Acoustic/Koto with Paper Clips and other tips for PREPARINGLOOPABLE INSTRUMENTS

>  Get a piece of plastic flexible 
> tubing and fit it airtight into a drum.  Then play the drum while 
> blowing/sucking into the tube.  You can get a really cool realtime pitch 
> shift by altering the pressure in the drum.  This seems to work best on 
> floor tom.  One of these days I'm going to try rigging up a 
> arrangement to control the pressure in the drum.  I have also heard 
> playing with toilet brushes, which is a really cool effect that I 
> tried yet.

Hmm, I just so happen to have moved a floor tom, a length of plastic pipe
and a toilet brush, amongst other things from my storage locker yesterday.
I guess I'm prepared to prepare!
