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RE: Midi Control + JamMan + straight into overdub

Hi Steve
> Can you tell me what message you are trying to send with the MFC10?  I
>  have an MFC10 and also a PMC-10 and I would like to make a side by side
Pgm Chg 1  ...to tap
Pgm Chg 6  ...into overdub
Using an  MFC10 function button, Pn1 & Pn2 respectively.
>  Have you tried setting up a programmable Midi Patchbay like the MOTU MTP
>  AV so that it sends the required data to the midi device and only
>  requiring a single program change message to control the patchbay?
No, and whatever you send from an MFC10, even if its
just one message you already have a sizeable delay( thanks Yamaha).
Please let me know if the PMC-10 is faster, I'm going to check it's 

andy butler