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ken's last ever radio extravaganza sun. 2/11 5:45pm NYC

(Bring a radio, and art supplies)
Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza
Show #243: Sunday Feb. 11, 5:45pm
At C.O.M.A. Winter Benefit for ABC No-Rio, community center for art and 
156 Rivington Street, Lower East Side, NYC

Amidst and among a couple dozen improvisational musicians
Starting at the beginning
Appearing intermittently throughout
Possibly resolving near the end

The event will be similar to last summer's building-wide improvisational 
But different
Slightly less simultaneous

Another attempt to weave sonic components spontaneously from nowhere
Or from right here
Into and throughout mix yielding, possibly, layers of confused audio bliss

Or possibly not

Improvisation means
There's no way to know until it happens
Or possibly a little bit afterward

Video game noises
Layers of classical piano loops
Pop music destroyed
Complaining attendees
Broken eardrums
Feedback loops from within the space
Sounds of other earlier, current, or future artists playing at benefit
How on earth should I know?

Curious to find out
Affect the outcome
Then plan to attend

Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza @
C.O.M.A. Winter Benefit for ABC No-Rio
Sunday Feb. 11, 5:45pm
156 Rivington Street, Lower East Side, NYC
Betw. Clinton St. & Suffolk St. (F/J/M/Z to Delancy/Essex)
Suggested donation: $10

Read about prior 7 years of Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

There are also four (4) complete shows of the 242 now online
Listen to them, in low-fi streaming audio splendor
http://free-music.com/ken/extrav/  (Click "Listen")
Ignore the painful ads maliciously inserted

CD's of shows available

Expression outlet

People are more important than