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RE: simultaneous, multiple-length loops

de-lurk: my name is yasi

>>be able to A) record separate loops, *each of a different length*, and B)
>>then be able to *play them back simultaneously* and adjust the mix, etc.
>>From my cursory reading it appears that machines exist which can do
>>either A or B but not both. Any suggestions?

the lexicon vortex can do two independant loops of different length
simultaneously. the ratio of loops lengths will be N/M where N and M are
whole numbers between 1 and 64. the loops can not exceed 1 second each.
I think you can have seperate outs for each loop

the other idea I had was to use the repeater's slip function to fake it.
record two tracks. slip one forward by a constant number of ms each time
repeats. if this works out how I imagine you'd get something simlar to 2
loops, with lengths differing by however much you slipped the slippery
track forward by on each cycle. But I bet it'd be silent while slipping,
so it'd work better for sparse pointilistic stuff. or with a small slip.
I imagine you could do this with all the tracks simultaneously with
constant or not midi specified

anybody know if this'd work? Damon Langlois?
