>that is a nice loop at http://www.pax.co.jp/images/intro.swf > >You can also find a couple of loops at http://www.ralphamerica.com , the >Residents' merch site (you'll need a flash plug-in). Play them all at once >and hypnotize your co-workers! > >I'd love to know of anymore sites w/loops...please post any you know. > I hate to be too self-promotional, but I have a modular synth loop running under the obligatory, pointless, bandwidth-wasting flash animation intro to my website: http://www.newandimprov.com Good for about 20 seconds of entertainment! ____________________________________________ Dave Trenkel : improv@peak.org New & Improv Media http://www.newandimprov.com Now available: Admiral Twinkle Devil: Wabi Dub ____________________________________________