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Re: experience with group buys and repeater

First and foremost:  please *DO NOT* post group buy prices publicly to this

Now on to your questions:

> I was wondering if any of you had previous experience
> with group buys with them.

I have complete faith in Alto for handling the group buy.  2 years ago I 
part of an EDP group buy through them and 1 year ago I organized a DL4 
buy through them.  Their prices were the best that I could find and Jon is
incredibly helpful and supportive of loopers.

> Are the prices really that good that it justifies buying without knowing
> the price or if the unit really works well?

What do you mean by "without knowing the price"?  If you've called Alto,
they should've given you the price used for the group buy.  Perhaps you 
"the price at which other companies will be selling the unit"?  If that is
the case, simply check out www.musiciansfriend.com for some quick 
