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Re: audience for 'out' music = derivitative of jazz

Andre Lafosse wrote:

> Something that occured to me when this thread started is that Thurston
> Moore and Lee Ranaldo (and I believe Michael Gira as well) spent time in
> Glenn Branca's ensembles in the early '80s prior to forming Sonic Youth
> (and Swans, in Gira's case).  So the cross-breeding bbetween academic
> new music and rock  goes way back, though it really seems to have come
> to a head over the last few years.

I'm pretty sure that by the time Branca had his own bands, there
was no academic affiliation. He was/is just a Downtown composer
with a art rock thing happening. It's not like he's a professor
at some school. Once the drums kick in, it just sounds like a big rock
band to me.

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