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Re: Miles, Lee Perry, and OAH

At 6:08 AM 2/21/01, Andre Lafosse wrote:
>> miles davis>lee perry>squarepusher>you, or
>I'm curious: where do you draw the influence connection from Miles to
>Perry?  I don't know Lee's work so well, but my (admittedly
>under-informed) impression is that the most dub-oriented material of the
>Davis stuff ("Get Up With It" and "On The Corner" would be the main
>examples to me) existed more or less at the same time that Perry was
>doing a lot of his most seminal work (i.e. early- to mid-'70s.)
Since on of the important esthetic considerations of dub as a genre is it's
molecular disruptionof the flow of linear time, I think the real
interesting area of research is Squarepusher's influence on Lee "Scratch"

-the "other" other dt

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