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Re: audience for 'out' music = derivitative of jazz

Richard Zvonar wrote:
> At 10:51 AM -0800 2/21/01, Dave Trenkel wrote:
> >Perhaps "academic" is the wrong term to use (and you may note that I 
> >use the term, it was Andre), but I feel Young definitely exists in the
> >classical composer contuum, moreso than, say, pop, or jazz. In all the
> >interviews I've read, he asserts the primacy of his compositions. He is 
> >academy-trained composer (LA City College and UCLA, studies with 
> >disciple Leonard Stein, scholarships to Darmstadt, etc).
> Young was also a jazz sax player in his early years, as was Terry Riley.

La Monte - yes, but Terry Riley only played sax for the Poppy
Nogood piece. He told me he quit because playing three instruments
was too much and he wanted to dedicate his time to piano and singing.

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