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Re: In/Out, Labeling, Media Intelligencia, and other things...

Sorry to upset you Andre, I subscribed about 5 minutes
ago, so I'm unaware of previous correspondence. The
blurb in the subscription sign up page warns against
straying off the subject and although I enoyed your
comments, I wondered if I had subscribed to the wrong
group and would have to sift through all kinds of
detail to find something on the main subject.
Apologies, man. Since you ask, my own stuff is mainly
acoustic improvisation with various ethnic influences,
but as I like to play solo, I hope to be able to lay
down a rhythmic bed in front of an audience and then
impro over that. Stay cool A,  John

--- Andre Lafosse <altruist@altruistmusic.com> wrote:
> John Malcolm wrote:
> > Anything to say about looping?
> Yes, I'd say the thread of the last four days (of
> which my last post was
> an attempted summation) does touch on numerous
> aspects related to
> looping, or loop-related music.
> I very much look forward to your chastizing Steuart,
> Torn, Stephen, and
> the rest of the numerous people whose posts I was
> following up on, as well.
> But hell:  
> When's the Repeater coming out?  Is the Echoplex
> upgrade happening? 
> What's a good price for a used JamMan?  Please take
> me off this list! 
> Unsuscribe!  
> So how would you describe your own (no-doubt)
> loop-infested music, John?
> Luv,
> --A

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