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Footswitch Final Cost; also FS300 Options

----- Original Message
I see on EBay
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1411593102 that
> Music has managed to get someone to bid $112 so far on the EDP 
It went for $152!
>I am really liking using the FS300, and I haven't wired the resistors yet.
In truth I have two
> fs300s I could use--has anyone tried modifying two if 'em and using them
> together?
Is this doable?  Wire two FS300s with resistors and mix the two 
to a mono output, then send 'em to the EDP footswitch input?
I would also like to say that I don't think that an artist should allow the
medium to dictate the style of the art.
Know what I mean?