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Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater

Jamie Drouin (09:32 AM 02/26/01) wrote:

 >on 2/25/01 5:47 PM, PaulPokr@aol.com at PaulPokr@aol.com wrote:
 >> I also wonder how usable the first batch of the Repeaters will be (i.e.
 >> potential major software bugs).
 >And that's exactly why we will not ship Repeater until everything is

Sometimes I just don't know what people want...

There's so much bitching and moaning in this industry from folks when a 
product gets released early and turns up buggy. Then there's so much 
bitching and moaning from folks when a product is held by the manufacturer 
in order to make sure that it's right.

It seems far and between that someone can appreciate when a manufacturer 
actually says that they need more time.

Jamie (and Damon and all you guys)... Take your time. I've had a standing 
order placed with my favorite retailer since I first saw Repeater at 
NAMM last year. You can't please everyone with your timeline, but I'll be 
one to wait for as long as it takes.
