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RE: jamman footswitch..another jam-thread!

Hi Dan... I'm with you on this issue. I found the PMC-10 midi controller's 
delay time unacceptable as well. I'd go with hard wired footswitches. I 
used to controll feedback and other functions with midi as well, but tap 
just didn't cut it.


>>> dog@well.com 05/15/01 11:01AM >>>
At 01:06 PM 5/15/01 -0400, you wrote:
>if you've got the bucks, go midi.  i use a DMC Ground Control with mine 
>love it.

the jamman has a noticable delay in handling the TAP function via midi
compared to a directly wired footswitch.  this is significant enough for me
to have a direct footswitch (digitech fs300) for TAP (& FUNCTION, which
isn't available via midi) even though i use midi to control the rest of the

ymmv, dan
dan mcmullen, ca, usa                      don't worry - pay attention
mailto:dog@well.com                                       707-485-0220
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