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Re: playing w/ dj's

>> Also, I've got a question: I'm interested in collaborating with a DJ.
>>  Not one that just mixes tracks, but one that is much more about pulling
>>  samples from a lot of different sources and making something new.  My
>>  job would be to supply guitar, synths and other wacky devices to the
>>  mix.  Anyway, every DJ I talk to seems to be against playing with real
>>  musicians for some reason.
I've noticed somthing similar. I've talked to some of the local DJ's who
spin drum and bass, ambient, etc, stuff I like, and they're generally not
into collaboration, for whatever reasons. But I have found a hip-hop DJ,
who also happens to be a great drummer, who's really into creating new
stuff. He uses the "standard" hip-hop sources, but does some very cool
stuff with it. We did a show recently that felt great, I'm going to mp3 it
and put it on my website when I get a free minute...

Dave Trenkel : improv@peak.org
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