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Re: Fractal looping

For all of you interested in Fractal Looping, this is a multi lines
technique of looping. The idea is to have a main looping line with, say, 3
more lines. The fractal relation between them is about time length of 
it will be set in a way to get polyrhythms between different copies of the
same audio material. For instance, I might loop 4 bars of audio, in 4/4 at
130bpm; then I might choose that a second looper will repeat a 2 bars
truncated audio portion of the original, a third looper will repeat 11/8 of
the original loop and a fouth one maybe 5/8 or a dotted 1/2. Usually I 
also tap tempo lfos that will pan the four loops around in quad audio,
according to the same rhythmic values or to different ones, in a circle, or
cross or whatever other pattern or even randomly. I can also use pitch
shifters that will transpose monophonic loops to presets intervals (or
chords) according to the same rhythmic values. At the same time Orville
allows me to pre AND post process all those loops with dedicated AND common
fx, like ring modulators, modulatable filters, chorus, flanger, phaser,
shifters, verbs, reverse shifters, reverse delays, reverbs, lo-fi manglers
and ANYthing else I might think of.
I can also sample the whole thing in real time, edit it to change speed,
pitch or both, process the sample with FX...all in one 24bit box, with 4
minutes and 23 seconds of audio memory TOTALLY addressable by delay style
loopers and samplers.
Programs can have almost unlimited number of looping lines, form 1 up to a
couple of dozens...if you really want to get THAT crazy. Tom, SE70 is a 
cool box but...forget this applications, we're talking OPEN system here,
meaning the user can totally configure the box in ANY way, building
algorithms on the unit or on a PC with Vsig, Eventide's graphical editor
freeware. If you all want to know more about the power AND the freedom of
Eventides, you can download manuals from www.eventide.com and follow the
VERY active Eventide users list on Yahoo.
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Best regards.........Italoop

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Ritchford" <tom@swirly.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: Fractal looping

> >16 delay lines at same time.....you talking big money,no?????
> my cheapsie little Boss SE-70 has a 20-tap flange so it's
> quite do-able without fancy hardware.
> in fact, you could have "as many taps as you liked" on a
> single delay line and not really consume very much CPU...
> /t
> ...electronic a cappella madness <http://volectrix.com>.........
> ...extreme internet radio        <http://extremeNY.com/radio>...