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Re: Newbie Guitarist :RC-20, Boomerang and Echoplex Digital Pro

AALev123@aol.com writes:
>Any comments on whether the RC-20, 
>Boomerang or echoplex are better or worse, easier to use, reverse 
>capabilities ect..  is greatly appreciated.
i haven't tried the rc-20, as it doesn't appear to have certain looping 
features that i need.
otherwise, i would recommend one each of EDP -which is available, now (see 
andy's post)- and Repeater, when Electrix releases it.

not at all thorough, but here are my thumbnail sketches:

EDP plusses: realtime continuous reverse/comprehensive editing & 
re-triggering, multi-loop (contiguous), midi, proven product, wads of 
sample-time, sw-upgradeable,
1 rack space

Repeater plusses: multitrack paradigm (2x stereo / 4 'tracks'), storage & 
archiving, pitch & time changing (per 'track', or loop), realtime 
reverse, multi-loop (contiguous), wads of sample-time, midi, 
many touchy-feely knobs/sliders/switches, 2 rack spaces

i'm sure that the boomerang feels great to some bassistic/guitaristic 
as it's all footpedally & such, as is the case w/line6 dl4.
and lotsa folk swear by their jammen.
and i still love my pcm42.
etc, etc.....

there oughta be *plenty* of material in the archives on this subject, nah?
