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Canoeing Video music wanted

I am currently working on a couple of canoeing (white water freestyle)
videos and it struck me that they would be a good place to use looped 
I have written a couple of tracks which I will use but wondered if anyone
else would like to contribute.

The videos are self funded so I will not be able to pay for submissions so
if this is a problem just ignore this post.  This is not a scam for getting
free music but a genuine request to get exposure for people.  As many of 
will know I am a poster to this group and looper myself.  I know a lot of
professional musicians resent being asked to give away their music, which 
a attitude I understand.

I am looking for music that has a fairly descent beat, but also different
from the usual.  Most canoeing videos have either mindless heavy metal or
techno.......I want to lift it to another plain!  The Stanley Kubrick of
canoeing videos! :-)  One of the videos will be made in Spain so anything
with a Spanish feel would be gratefully received! But this isn't a

I can not promise to use everything submitted as it has to fit what I have
filmed but all submissions will be looked at seriously.  I will also send a
free copy of the video to anyone that sends me music, whether its used or



Martin Shakeshaft in the UK.

A child of five could understand this.  Fetch me a child of five - Groucho